Thursday 3 February 2011

My Planet Kitchen from Varenna Poliform

Varenna is the kitchen division of Poliform, offering endless high-end kitchen solutions for contemporary lifestyles. Budget permitting, Varenna’s Poliform is a go-to kitchen manufacturer in terms of both quality and style.
My Planet kitchen interprets the widespread desire for praticality and elegance. A sensation suggested by new components such as handles and countertops af various thicknesses, the use of light equipped panels and white and dark pine finishes. Technically evolved solutions and fundamental design components that guarantee original compositions for even the smallest of kitchens.
Poliform Varenna My Planet is unique kitchen concept designed by Poliform CR&S and defined by pure contemporary simplicity and techno minimalism. Closet layouts in kitchen concept has a designated location for everything - which according to experts is key to organization and the elimination of clutter.  There’s no need for a visit to the Container Store in search of organizers for silverware, knives and spices as these are all built into the design. Choose from wood-lined drawers and inserts or the more industrial mesh. You probably think you’ve seen similar options in lower-priced versions but I assure you - Poliform takes it to a new level.  My Planet leaves you with no excuse to be disorganized. 

The cabinets are available in a variety of colors and finishes of matte or glossy laminate, ennobled pine, wood, embossed or glossy lacquered MDF, steel and glass. Available wood finishes include walnut, canaletto, white or black pine, wenge, oak, siena oak, brown oak, Spessart oak, dyed grey oak, acacia, ovangkol and ebony.  My Planet has two optional pull styles for cabinet doors, the built-in Valley or Hill. 

And these two variations are my favorite. I can't decide which one I love more. I call them Raspberry Purple and Lime Green. Which one do you prefer?  :)

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